Please Help and read this before u answer. What Am I Straight, Gay, Or Bisexual?
Im a 20 year old irish guy with red hair and need help. i like girls and dnt find boys attarctive at all{ infact i like 2 girls fro college} but when I master-bate i sometimes think of think of boys (perform oral on them and being the receving parnter in sex).
(I also like reading sex stories off net straight lesbian and gay ones )im very confused and depreseed by this
if it helps i never had a girlfriend and hasve only ever kissed 4 girls ( last one was 4 years ago) ( 2 said i was a bad kisser and other 2 said they did it as they felt sorry for me) <-- this depresses me more! I really enjoyed the kisses from the girls!

What am I please help