Question about T-Mobile background check?


New member
Dec 21, 2010
I already had 2 interviews with T-Mobile (phone and face to face) I am now in the process of waiting for my background check to come back. I have heard if you put any dates down wrong that you won't be hired. I could not remember the exact address of a couple of apartments I have had and may have the exact date of hire wrong at a couple of jobs. Will this prevent me from being hired? I have no criminal record, not even a speeding ticket, good references, I even faxed my high school diploma and my credit score is like around 620. I am just concerned about my job history and some of the dates I listed not being completely accurate??
Your responsibility to keep your info accurate. The problem is many people use totally fake info to get credit. If the apartment or job does not confirm the info you have given, it might be assumed you are not genuine.