is this website legit for a free ipad?


Active member
May 12, 2008
i have these 2 websites but i dont know if its real and im under 18 can i still say im 18 and get it or is it illegal here are the sites and
No, Kevin!
You never get anything free in this life!
Don't give them your phone number, address, or whatever those crooks are asking for
I wouldn't even dare to click on those links
Seems legit. If it is a scam, it's not an obvious one. The website is pretty damn polished, and they claim affiliation with Wells Fargo. Doesn't mean anything, but I would guess that it's not a scam. I'd do pretty major research on them before actually giving them information, though.

Moreover If you want to know if a site is legitimate,you should keep in mind the following instructions
1.Use Whois lookup tool like to check the whois information.Because legitimate company properly update whois database.
2.Then check whether domain owner contact details and E-mail address is currently active or not.
3.Finally take some reviews about that company using,
I am sure above the steps are very useful to check any company is legit or scam.I hope it will be very useful to you