Why are all of the Traditional Martial Artists so opposed to martial sports?


New member
Dec 4, 2010
This was one of the most ignorant and arrogant questions I've ever seen


"It is obvious (or should be) that things played as sports, like baseball, BJJ, polo, MMA, tennis etc., are not for defence or protection."

"They are games people play for fun! Martial arts are for protection."

"isn't there more to defence than hitting people, or performing a dumb arm-bar?"

"So if I can hit and armbar I need no more training...damn it took over 40 years to learn that....thanks!"

Do you actually agree with this stuff? All it sounds like is bashing to me. BJJ is a martial art, a combat sport, and a self defense system. As a matter of fact I've had a lot more positive experiences with BJJ then with Taekwondo or trying out Karate.
They all whine about how arrogant the people who train in MMA, Muay Thai, and BJJ are, but they are sounding just as ignorant to me and I'm tired of it.