feelings and frustrations? Hi Girls ,

My name is Ashley And I've been helping out Alot of Tween/Teen girls these past few weeks with their problems and i just absolutely love it , It makes me feel amazing to have such a gift for being able to give advice and for girls to trust me with their secrets and feelings!

1.) I'm just posting this so you know that If you ever need someone other then someone you know to talk to im here to talk and smartly help you out! Im currently creating a website and blog for smart and troubled girls inspired by my friend Analeigh ( She's depressed and has bi-polar disease and i helped her out and is still helping her out with it ! )

2.) I go to Alot of seminars for girls and do volunteer work and i promise you i am Super duper helpful ( Everyone says i have a great head on my shoulders!! )

3.) The Area's i've helped with out most with are ; Depression , Running away from home , Teen pregnancy , Anxiety And trust me alot of other teen troubles! i'd love to help anyone girl because i've been through my share of problems! So can you please consider answering!

My Question Is : Are you a troubled girl and if you are do you need a safe place to vent out your feelings and frustrations?

~xoxo Ashley ; Thanks[: ( Please no rude comments...My Mom helped me post this up so its monitored...Thanks! )
Oh and when you leave your answer please email me straight afterwards ( My email is [email protected] ) ! Or else i'll have no way of helping or contacting you...Thanks
