What is more effective in the fight against Arab terrorism: hard response or...


May 18, 2008
...the endless appeasement? Until 2008, Israel was “negotiating”, inviting Arabs to “direct talks”, “indirect talks”,
“peace talk” and any other possible and impossible “talks”. The result was 3276 “Qassams” launched by Arab Muslims on Israeli cities in 2008, and dozens of thousands of mortar shells.

After the “Cast Lead”, in 2009, those same Arabs launched on Israel 367 “Qassams”, or almost ten times less. And since the 1st of January of 2010 until today, the number of “Qassams” was only 280.

But there is more. In 2007, IDF killed 335 Arab Muslim terrorists and 16 innocent civilians.
In 2010, the number of the killed terrorists was only 50, and the number of the civilians killed by the IDF was only 3.

The hard response to the terrorist attacks not only turned out to be more effective in the reducing the number of the terrorists attacks than the endless “gestures of good will “ and appeasement, but also saved lives of the civilians both on Israel side - and on the side of Arabs.

The statistics is clear, my dear “peace lovers”?