Hi Can someone help me with these game rules for iPad Conquist aka RISK board game.?


New member
Dec 7, 2010
I sort of know what attacking and fortifying is. But am baffled as to what the 'Territory Cards' are for?

If during your attacks you eliminate another player (you conquer his/her last territory) you will get some or all of his/her cards. The number of cards you will get depends on how many cards you already have, since you can only hold 5 at any time.

When you are done attacking tap the End Attacks button.

3 - Fortifying

At the end of your turn you can move any number of armies from one of your territories to any other connected territory. If you tap one of your territories with more than 2 armies, all the territories where you can move armies to will be highlighted. This move can be done only ONCE per turn. You can skip this step if you want by tapping the End Fortify button.

At the end of your turn, if you have conquered a new territory and have less than 5 cards, you will receive a new territory card.
These are a snippet of the game rules
when you win an attack, you earn a territory card. There will be a name of one of the countries on the board and either a soldier, a vehicle, or a weapon. Three of the same cards (solder or vehicle or weapon) or one of each allows you to turn them in for more "on board soldiers." Also, it you turn in a card with the name of a country that you occupy, you get an extra 2 "on board soldiers".

When you defeat another player, you win ALL of their cards. If that makes your total cards more than five, you must turn in your cards for more "on board soldiers" until you are at or below five cards.

Also, the reason you must have less than 5 cards to earn a card, is because if you already have five cards than must have the required "three of a kind" or "one of each" to turn in for more on board soldiers.