Christians: do you like being called a “non-atheist”?


May 20, 2008
I think it’s a much more appropriate term. I mean, atheism is the default state and people who believe in a higher power have made a decision to move away from the default. So Christians have chosen to not be atheists anymore, therefore, it is appropriate to refer to Christians as non-atheists. Do you see my point?
It would more sensible to call someone who isn't an atheist "Non-atheist", rather than specifically pointing out Christians, and only calling them "non-atheists", since buddhists are also non atheist.
um then would you call Jewish people and Muslim people and any one with a religion a "non-atheist"

that is a rather large generalization

i dont call you non-Christian

personally there are more Christians than atheists so atheists should be called Non-Christians because the majority is always right.

do you see my point?
Yes!! Thats beautiful!! Although divinities were venered, the true nature of a loving God only gave us true reason to believe.
ahh but being a non-atheist does imply that believe in the existence of God. but which God?
The God of the Bible.
And anyway Christianity has got much more to it than just believing in God. Its in accepting what Jesus has done for us. Thats why were called Christians. Hope this helps! x
Yeah, it means "not away from God." Because atheist means "away from God" or "Without God" literally from the Greek. You have to understand the particle "a" in Greek, you see. Most atheists don't know anything about it.
It is not a more appropriate term, since theism is the belief in god(s), and the prefix a means non, like in asexual.

What you said is a double negative.



This is not a question about faith, this is a question about the English language. There is a right and wrong answer.

Or have words never not done nothing for you? (Repeating negative like your using)