does hair in your arm-pits make your arm-pits stink more?


Mar 25, 2008
cuz my armpit stinks even if i put deodorant and tried newer deorants but still my armpit stinks and sweat fast for no reason. without playing any sports. should i WAX my armpits because of the smell ?????????????????
It would decrease the odour if you either shaved or waxed your armpits. They smell more if you dont because the hairs hold onto sweat, and when it gets warm gives off a odour. If you dont want to wax/shave just wash under your arms regulary to get rid of the sweat the hairs as holding
it would help to shorten the hair. i'm not sure its a good idea to wax. it wont hurt your health but it will hurt in the regular sense of the word shaving would probably be fine
Yes, because the hair blocks the deoderant/antiperspirant from lying on the skin and plugging up the sweat glands. Waxing isn't necessary, but shaving might help.
Yes it does because the sweat holds on to the hair. Yes waxing or shaving will help a lot. But don't shave and put Deoderant on straight away, other wise it will sting you to death
You don't need to go as dramatic as waxing.(Ouch). Just shave your pits and use deodorant. The hair traps bacteria, odors and moisture from your sweat glands. So the bacteria are having a party in your pit hair when you sweat. Shave it off and they'll have less places to party and snuff them out with deodorant.