Remember that time when we...?

Kinda, sorta, maby, I dont know, do you remember? Dont kiss and tell haha.
no i wasnt there i passed out on that thing by that place
when we both farted on paris hilton's face and put dog s p e r m in her drink?? hahaha that was hilarious of me!!
oh yeah. with that one guy that one time. lol. yeah!
we went to Venice beach and saw the midget that juggles FLAMING CHAINSAWS
Noooo, can't say that I do. But if we do it again, I'll try harder to remember.
but you said you weren't going to bring that up again... you know, because we... uhhhh you the back of that place...with that thing you found in your sisters drawer...
omgosh yea....i couldnt stop laughing..even when i got home......
yeah haha it was hilarious

And remember that other time when we were like "OMG" and then we went to that thing and heard that thing and were like...
Oh you mean that place next to the place we left and saw that thing on that person?! Oh hahaha I remember. We laughed our as$es off!!

I Remember that...

OH...what about the time we went to that place and that girl had that thing and we were all like WHAT??? then we went to this other place and I saw that thing and that thing was like OMG!!!
Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that! Ha! That was hilarious. Good times..
hahaha! yeah, they were doing that stuff with that thing, it was so funny being at that place watching those people with that stuff.