Orthodox Judaism, to convert or not to convert... that is the question?


New member
Nov 18, 2010
After being introduced to Judaism, I have been completely captivated and mesmerised. I have found myself unable to ignore any Jewish references, I've borrowed and purchased books, attended Parsha study classes, celebrated Shabbat (lit candles, prepared and participated in shabbat dinners/lunches) Learnt Jewish songs and begun to learn Hebrew... After my initial meetings with my Rabbi, I prayed for guidance and support and before I knew it I found myself immersed in the Jewish community, and was even employed by a Jewish family whom I did not initially know were Jewish!! (I have always believed that everything happens for a reason?!)
I feel closer now to G-d than ever before, and very much want to become a part of the Jewish people, and to live a life observing the Torah and all 613 mitzvot. I understand that conversion isn't for everybody and have looked into the Noachide Laws, but still feel like I want more. I am willing to take on more responsibility, living an observant life and would cherish the opportunity to bring G-d into my every day life by practicing Judaism. I grew up in a non-religious home, but now I have seen the great advantage of being part of a community, and just how special it can be to share one's love/appreciation of G-d with others. I very much want a family of my own one day, and I feel that giving my future children a clear religious identity will be the best I could possibly do for them... and I really feel that by observing Jewish Law and embracing every aspect of this fascinating religion, I will continue to find happiness in my life.

The time has come for me to write to the Beth Din (if I am to initially begin the formal conversion process) and my Rabbi has said that he cannot tell me whether or not he thinks I should convert... and that this is a decision I must make alone. Whilst I feel that deep inside I want to convert, how do I know whether or not this is what G-d wants me to do? Am I worthy of being Jewish?

I would very much appreciate the advice of anyone who has been in a similar position/ is a religious Jew. (Please be respectful... if you have nothing constructive to say, and simply disagree with my choice of religion... just don't answer at all!)

Thank-you for reading.
no we need Jesus for salvation....consider checking out some TRinity churches...Im Methodist.
Respectfully, perhaps your hesitation is due to Judaism's inability to give you any assurance of eternal life once you die. It's a serious missing piece of the Jewish puzzle that followers of Jesus look for, and have found. Why not simply do what God requires, confess your sins to Him, truly sorry from your heart and simply ask His forgiveness? He will, completely. Then turn from them proving your repentance is real. Trust that Jesus’ death on the cross took the punishment your sins deserved. All who do will receive eternal life and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do what He commands. Why delay? You can find wonderful community among followers of Yeshua Hamashiach! Search for a Messianic group of followers of Yeshua in your area! Thank you for Asking this question!
Read how the Bible says to be right with God, Matthew 4:17; Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19; Romans 2:4-5; Romans 3:23-24; James 2:10; Hebrews 9:27; 1 John 1:8-9; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9-10; Romans 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 Peter 3:18; John 3:36; 1 John 5:11-13
What are your reasons to be hesitant? You sound pretty sure that you want to be Jewish since you have put a lot of work into it, enjoying being within a Jewish community and you feel close to the religion. If you didn't want to be Jewish then you probably would have dropped out in the first couple of weeks because you just would have known straight away if you liked it or not.
If you really enjoy yourself, feel part of the religion and it makes you happy then why not?
Choosing a religion is definitely a decision you should make on your own, no one can tell you what to do because religion is so personal. If you feel deep inside that you want to convert then that is probably what God wants you to do. I like to think that my deep down feelings are what God wants me to do.
If you are really unsure, then take some time out and think about it hard. But from what I read you sound really enthusiastic and that the religion makes you happy. That's all what matters.
This is a question that only you can answer. Pray to God, ask your Rabbi to pray for you too. Then all you can do is wait until you know from how you feel inside what you need to do. Please be aware that my perspective is from a Christian viewpoint and I know little of Judaism, but whatever decision you come to, I wish you all the best.