My girlfriend insist on seeing this intimate dvd of my ex-girlfriend and myself?


May 16, 2008
The dvd is not that intimate-I'ts just personal.We wer'e drinking one night with some friends and i let it slip out that i had the video. She keeps bugging me about it.I would never want to watch a video of her and an ex-boyfriend.Why would she want to see it?
Because she wants to see what she is up against! Some people (like me), wants to know the In's \and outs of previous relationships.
While others (like yourself) do not want to know.
I think she would want to see it out of curiosity, it can happen in some couples, one of them may get possessive of the other and see them as theirs. Therefore this may result in her wanting to know things that yu have done with someone else before her in order for her to compare how yu are with her and either see whether your intimacy with her is better than with yur ex-partner or the other way round. Its a way of putting her mind at ease, cuz yeah everyone has exs but they dont seem real until there mentioned and with evidence it creates even more curiosity. Although the past doesn't matter because it wasn't cheating or anything but its a feeling one can get when they start to feel stronger towards there partner. I hope that makes sense in some way.
Bcoz wer women!!!
We hate the fact that r partner has been with other women but we need to no details so we can betta the last you have been with... its immature but its true Just not many like to admit it.
Maybe you should watch it yourself and decide or even leave it lying about 1day so shes able to watch on her own and c if she tell you about it, be she wont but she may stop pestering...
Just reassure her the reason ya with her and why your relationship with your x ended
Wer a curious species, r Imagination would only go wild if you leave it alone
I guess some girls, or most girls, are just nosey. Who knows, why she'd even want to watch that DVD. I suggest, you tell her, you looked for it, but couldn't find it, or had erased it. Either on purpose or accidentally, when you were loading up some other video.
She has no reason to see it, and no right either. So make up some excuse or just tell her, you aren't comfortable, letting her see it.
Sounds like a concoction for disaster. She probably wants to see it so she can find out how intimate you were with your ex. Perhaps also to use it against you someday...

I would pretend to look for it but "sadly" not find it, and hope it passes.
first of all, why did you keep the video?
Second, why did you "let it slip" that you still had it.
IF it were me, I would want to see it too, to see what the connection was that caused you to keep the video in the first place.
Throw it away.
End of story.
so she can dump you...and not matter what excuse she tells you, and even if the truth is she had no ulterior motive to dump you..once she sees it, she will dump you.
No girl would enjoy watching his man get it on with his ex. She has other intentions, and she knows best!