Are you seeking the spirit of prophecy?

That the Spirit of prophecy, or the prophetic gift, is one of the gifts of the Spirit promised to the church in the last days, and that that gift was manifested to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the work and writings of Ellen G. White.

Our interpretation of Bible prophecy leads us to believe that those who make up the remnant people of God in the last days of the history of the church will meet the full fury of the dragon's power as he goes forth to make war on those who "keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Rev. 12:17). That expression "testimony of Jesus" Is clearly defined, we believe, by the angel In Revelation 19:10. He says to John: "The testimony of Jesus Is the spirit of prophecy." Commenting on this, James Moffat says:

"For the testimony or witness of (i.e., borne by) Jesus is (i.e., constitutes) the spirit of prophecy." This . . . specifically defines the brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus as possessors of prophetic inspiration. The testimony of Jesus is practically equivalent to Jesus testifying (xxii. 20). It is the self-revelation of Jesus (according to i. 1, due ultimately to God) which moves the Christian prophets. The Expositor's Greek Testament, vol. 5, p. 465.