Help! Should I believe this rumor? How should I ask?


New member
Apr 1, 2008
ok I have known this guy my whole life and liked him the past couple years. He has always been a sweet guy, but has recently gotten into some bad stuff. Yesterday I heard from a friend that the guy has had sex with a few girls from another school (we are only 15!!!) It really really hurt. The source was a friend who heard it from the guys best friend.
On the other hand, I don't know if I should believe it because when he liked me he had trouble even holding my hand or lending me his jacket. And he went out with one girl and the most they did was make out and she was very aggressive. He didn't do much.
Should I believe it? What should I do?
If it's true, I will be devestated!
If you think I should ask him about it, how should I do that?
You should just let it be. It would be extremly awkaward to to talk to him about it. Just see if people are talking about it.But i wouldn't get worked up about it it's between him and the girls he may or nay not have done it with. Good Luck !:)
if i believed everything i heard id be in a world of hurt. ask. be yourself. at least you will know. thanks
this is what happend to me but instead my friend lied about my bf sayig that he wanted to kiss me on school grounds(were only 13) and wwere taking it slow so rite when i herd that i called him up and asked him straight and u no u cant see ethere emotion so he sed he didnt say that but i asked him againi at school and he beat up the guy that told me first of all he also slid talked me but anyways bak t ou u should ask him the same way i just wexplained to him that probly will work. and then if he says no go to the other person that told u and if they pause for a long y tim e u no that there lying
If i were you & it was possible I would ask him online. I think it would be less awkward. But yanno thats just me.
From how you describe him thou. it sounds like its just a rumor.
Don't ask him. If he likes you, he would make it clear to you. Obviously, he would hear a rumor about himself. Wait for him to be comfortable to tell you what really happened.
fact: 90% of all rumors have some truth to it.

not that the entire rumor is true, but pieces of it are probably true.

my best advice... just talk to him... try not to seem nosey, but talk to him on a friend level,... and be like... ' i heard you and some other chick'.... and go from there
You guys are 15, it's most likely bullsh*t. Ask him if it's true and if he says no and it sounds like he really means it then believe him. If he doesn't want to answer or becomes defensive then you know what's up.
Um, just ask him. I'm sure he'd appreciate you being straight with him. If it's not true, he needs to know people are spreading rumors about him. If it is true, he needs to know you know he's kind of a slut.
You've known him for a long time, so I'd say you know him pretty well. Don't believe everything you hear. If you trust him enough to know that he wouldn't do that, don't bother to ask. But if there is some doubt, you could just say "I heard a rumour..." and see what his reaction is.
Let it be. You can't change what he's done in the past. I used to smoke, but I try to keep it quiet. I know it's bad, but there's no point in bringing it up again.
dont ever believe rumors...EVER!!!!!! they can sound sooo true!!! nd be so believing!!! JUST DONT GIVE IN TO IT!! since he is your friend and a good friend he would probably tell you wut happened! nd if you confront him on a rumor that probably isnt true will make upset him and will think you would believe every little wrong thing u hear about him...wut a friend right?
definitely ask him about it. when you guys are together sometime just be like "so.....there's this rumor i heard........"

& then he'll probably be like "what rumor?"

& then you can say "well, it's just that there's been some talk & some people are kind of saying that you had sex w/ a few girls from another school....."

& then let him answer.

good luck!
It is a rumor, so dont believe it. Alot of the time rumors are spread to hurt the person it was spread about. By the sounds of it his best friend could just be spreading this stuff, just for the attention of everyone else. If you're still good friends with him then I think you should ask him, but not in a serious way. Laugh about it, say I heard the funniest thing the other day about you "insert rumor here". Watch for his reaction, if you think after his reaction that it might of happened then ask him if it true or not.
I've had my share of rumours in my relationship, and the best thing to do is to ask him. Never trust anyone unless it comes from his mouth. You'll be able to tell if he's lying or not, its really obvious. Look for signs and then ask him how he feels about you.
If he is a friend of yours you need to pull him to the side and speak to him.
just be like on the phone
be like
omg i heard a rumor about you doing it with alot of chicks
be like did you
if hes a true friend he wouldnt mind you asking
if its a liee
im sorry, but isnt it april fools day? or, if not, i hope it is not true.