Hey I don't understand how my DVD player works. Does that mean it's powered by...


New member
Dec 30, 2008
...God's magic? I understand how to use it and watch DVDs. But I took one apart and couldn't make heads or tails of it. There were lots of circuit boards and it was very complex. Since I have no hope of understanding it, I can only assume that it's powered by the deity of my choice. Right?
If you susbcribe to the god of the gaps methodology to cover your ignorance, yes.
first of all, God doesn't use "magic." Secondly, if you don't know how your DVD player works, then it means that you do not know much about technology.
Either that, or it is a tool of his arch nemesis demon to trick you.
It merely means that you are not an electronics engineer.
God gives them the wisdom to come up with such things.
Please do not worship your DVD player.
BUT, you do realize SOMEONE designed it, right? It didn't pop out of no where, did it?
No. You just don't have enough knowledge/Information about the DVD player to understand.... Just like you don't have enough knowledge.information about God to understand! If you did research and studied, you would understand how your DVD player works and how God works. Now that you understand that the task is not impossible, and that you are just simply ignorant, go study and figure it out!