If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Regardless of how ambigious a relationship may be, do you beleive you still have the 'right' to know if the person you're sleeping with is sleeping with other people? Keep in mind, it's not JUST bootcall sex---it's intimacy involved. And oral sex---Thanks guys. I just sent him a text telling him to "f*ck off!" And that I can do better. Thanks for OPENING my eyes!
Well its best that you are safe so make sure you use a condom.Why dont you guys establish if you are enclusive or not that way you will know where you stand?
Yes I believe so. Not only for safety reasons, but for your minds sake as this will give you some understanding of what your relationship with this person actually is. You don't need names and details, but I do think you deserve to know if he is sleeping with other people. I'd definitely try not to get too emotionally involved though if he is sleeping with other girls. If someone truly cares about another person then they should want to be with them, and only them. All the bestxoxo
I met a lady at the Shanty Shack club and she is divorced with two children. We made love several times already (safe sex), ;I never questioned who she had been with or her past partners...it's not important./If you had sex wiithout protection because you coudn't help yourself then I would ask if you feel paranoid that you may have contracted something.Don't be the fool and always use protection....always.
once there is love in the relationship, you won't be able to bother asking your partner whom he had slept before....well, to be on a safe side...just use protection....to avoid problems later on...
of course you do, if there is intimacy involved then it is obviosly speacial to you in some way, you deserve to know if you are the only one or one of many (knowing youre on the same page).
yes yes yess you have to know everything before you sex them down... it's crucial to be safe ..besides you don't wanna die from something that could of been easily avoided...
I dont see why you should have to know if you are protected. I foyu pull in a club, do you ask thier name and then ask how many people they are seeping with?? No didnt think so.Whereas if its a lot more intimate than that, then surely you should know there is no one but you
Hi, its very important to be concerened because in the world we are living today there are so many contagious diseases and to be on the safe side you have to know whether your guy/gal is playing you or not. you have to insist whether he/she has another gal/guy and why
Yes I think you'd want to know........mostly because you're thinking that you're the one that wants it to be exclusive.....and if it's not, you want to know that.......
You sound so cheap.Why would you be sexual or intimate with someone you know is cheating? If you dont trust someone keep your legs shut. If you truely love him, give him a chance (by chance i mean one chance not 23) If you dont trust him then say bye. If you know he is willing to change (out of his own realisation and will), then good luck to you!
With so many STDs flying around, you are better off asking. You have a right to know what's being brought into your body.I make all the guys I've slept with take HIV exams first.