What's you story on becoming a lesbian, being bi-sexual, gay, or whatever if you


New member
Mar 5, 2010
don't mind me asking? Not to offend anybody but to just to get a clear understanding on this life style. What's you story, if you don't mind me asking, on becoming a lesbian, being bi-sexual, gay or whatever sexuality that you choice? I know that a reason would be that you had pain from the opposite sex, you may have been raped, not excepted from the opposite site sex, or probably something else that i would just like to know. So if you don't mind me asking and if you don't mind sharing you story with me, whats you story or reason on being a lesbian, be-sexual, or gay?
i didnt really choose it haha the feelings just started growing on me i guess. i thought i was straight until like last year but i've always had a slight attraction to girls. i think society tricked me into thinking i was straight cause i never really considered anything else. but now i know i'm bisexual, i love both men and women. :) what's your story on/reason for becoming straight?
i don't know, i always thought i was straight but recently i've been acttracted to girls. i'm still a little confused . even after my best friend kissed me a few months ago. so i think i'm bisexual
I stood completely nude in front of a guy alone in a locker room. He liked it.