Does anyone remember/know the name of this PS2 game?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
I played on this game at an after-school clubhouse when I was 10 (I'm now 16) and I can only remember a few things about it, which doesn't include the name unfortunately. I really enjoyed this game and I would love to play it again but the clubhouse sold the game before I could ask about it. If anyone knows for certain, or just a guess, I would be very grateful :)

You could play either alone or against a friend, both as women with bows and arrows; there were different types of arrows you collected on the levels, I can only remember fire and water arrows though.

Against a friend, I remember 4 different levels, but I don't think this was the order you played them in: there was a city made out of cakes, food and sweets (like the witch's house in Hansel and Gretal) and I'm pretty certain you were on a table top; there was a level out in space in a big roundish room with a dome roof that had a metal lattice over it; a level that was a giant chessboard with pieces you had to dodge and there was a platform above the board you could walk on; and finally another level in space, but this time the sky was dark purple and the floors and walls were mostly wooden.

On single player, i think there were wither two different levels, or one part of the level that lead on to the next. I remember you began in a jungle area with mountains nearby and (for some reason) a lion accompanying the woman through the forest. Then there were caves with stalagmites (the ones that come out of the floor) that you jumped across to cross the lake in the caves and get to the other side.
One more thing I remember was that you could choose which woman/which outfit she wore and there was deffinately a costume that was black and white animal print (leopard?) with a bone bow. There was also a brown leather outfirt you could choose.

If anyone's got any information, that would be great. Thanks for taking te time to read this :) xx