My dog is afraid of dish towels?


Sep 4, 2007
We don't have a doggie door so I leave our sliding glass door open during the day so he can go in and out as he pleases. One day it was really warm and a few flies got in the house and were flying around the kitchen, I couldn't find the fly swatter so I used an old dish towel, anyways it scared my dog and now he is afraid of me when I'm in the kitchen with a dish towel. Sometimes he will hurry outside and other times he will start shaking and lay down and just stare at me with his big sad eyes. I feel sorry but at the same time mad, I wasn't trying to scare him or hurt him I just wanted to kill those pesky flies. What can I do to re-train him that a dish towel in my hand isn't something to be scared of? I know comforting him isn't the right thing to do.