Pet Shop Puppies - where's the compassion?


New member
Oct 13, 2010
This is going to be very awkward ...... So, given that a majority on this board, myself included, would not buy a puppy from a pet shop on the grounds that it was probably supplied by one of those evil puppy mills. What do you think ought to happen to the poor little puppies that are already in the pipe-line? Should they remain unbought and thereby severely punished for doing absolutely nothing wrong? We will all have heard about the ends justifying the means, but as a dog lover how do you get to sleep at night knowing that these poor little puppies may never get a home?
So given that puppy mills and BYB's ought to be either stopped or heavily regulated, but won't be any day soon, exactly what is to happen to the puppies already in the supply chain? What would you recommend?