Clinton supporters, Question for you?


Dr Jello

According to a new Gallup poll, 28% of Hillary Clinton's supporters say they'd vote for GOP candidate John McCain if Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination and 19% of Obama's supporters say they'd vote for McCain if Clinton is the Party's nominee.Why do Clinton supporters fear Barack Obama so much. His policies are nearly the same as Clintons. Is it that hes black, or is it a women feminist thing, or do you appreciate Hillary Clintons divisive politics or what? Why do you hate the guy so much? What the hell is it? I am an Obama supporter, and if Hillary does manage to win the nom, I will vote for her in a heartbeat.
Well if Hillary does not win the nomination then I will vote for Obama.United we stand, divided we fall.
Because Obama is unpatriotic and racist. I don't want a president like that.
I would like to know that myself. Even Hillary said the same thing to her supporters at a campaign rally.
It's obvious that it is NOT about the issues.Hillary and Obama stand exactly the same on all of the issues, except health care, in which their plans are ALMOST identical, except that Obama's gives adults a choice and Hillary's gives no one a choice.If it WAS about the issues, Obama and Hillary could argue about their differences in policies, but since it is NOT, personal attacks are all that they've got.When you can't choose based on issues, it becomes a decision based on 'character'.@Darrin: There will NEVER be a need for a draft. This is why: paying attention to what's really going on, instead of making assumptions based on nothing.
i say let them vote for mccain.and when the draft is reinstated, let them watch their children, their grandchildren, their great grandchildren, and their great, great grandchildren be carted off to fight in john's 50-100 year war.and i'll just sit back and say, oh well. you got what you wanted.
There policies are the same because Obama has copied a lot of Hillary's but...comparing the two...they are very different. And I don't see Obama doing much...whoever gets in the White House represents the Democratic Party and future elections depend on that person. Here are a few comparisons:1) Hillary has the basic understanding of how to implement change...she knows how the system works. Obama is unrealistic if he thinks he can go into the White House one day and change how things work. People do not make the laws and legislation...the House and the Senate do that!!2) Since the early debates, it was clearly evident that Hillary has laid out plans on how to get this country back on track. I noticed that every time Hillary spoke, she talked about her pland and how those plans would be funded. Obama, never spoke about his plans...but spent his time arguing with or belittling the other Democrats on stage. Clearly he had no ideas of his own. I noticed that once Hillary posted her plans...Obama would post his....3) Hillary has a great understanding of the History of the US with the countries around the world. As First Lady, she represented the US in 80 countries...this knowledge dates back to the early '90s and I think she has kept abreast of the world since leaving the White House and becoming a US Senator in NY. Obama...well, the media never asked him the hard questions. I don't think he has the extensive knowledge and background. Hillary is just far superior in this area.4) I think Hillary has the background to address our economic woes. She has learned from the greatest mentor that the American people have ever had as President. Our economy is the early '90s was not in the best of shape. But by the end of the two terms we had a surplus. I know people will say that Hillary cannot claim that as an accomplishment...but the fact remains that Hillary Clinton was a hands-on First Lady! And if people were really honest...that should count. You would not hire someone from an organization that performed poorly. As to Obama...well frankly, I don't see any evidence of that. In my opinion, Obama was always out there beating the streets for the next position. I don't think he performed well as an IL State Senator nor as a US Senator. His attendance was horrible...and his voting record was riddled with "Present" or absent. I read that his absenteeism was 38 percent for his short stint in the US Senate. Most companies in the private sector would have fired an employee with such a horrible attendance policy. Why should we settle for someone like this? 5) I think Hillary will work with both Democrats and Republicans. I think she has proven that by the legislation she has partnered with the Republicans. Also, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich have publicly acknowledged her her abilities. I'm sure there are others....but these are the one I have seen. I don't watch the news that much. Hillary also has a way of pulling people together...she does not exhibit an air of arrogance that I see in George Bush OR his cousin...Obama. 6) I think Hillary will work to negotiate peace with the other countries and war will be the last resort. I think HAD Hillary been President when the vote was cast on Iraq...we would never have invaded that country!!! I think she had a hard time understanding why Bush did what he did. A lot has to do with arrogance...that quite frankly I see Obama having a lot of! It would not surprise me if Obama were to continue on with the warring that Bush has started, that is, IF he were elected..but I don't see that happening! He has alienated a lot of people with his disenfranchising of Michigan and Florida voters....which has filtered into a lot of other states.7) I think Hillary is the better candidate to withstand the dirty politics that will happen in the General Election. So she is the better candidate to go up against John McCain. She has withstood years of this and her life is an open book. As to Obama....hmm, well, I know there is a lot of information on the Internet that will be used against him in the General Election. Actions speak louder than words...and there are some things Obama has done that contradict what he is saying. I think the Republicans will use his past to make him undesirable.I think Hillary is our only hope to step in and roll back some of the damage that has been done over the last 7 plus years. Our country desperately needs the better Democratic candidate!!
I would not vote for either of these liars. Hillery just attempted too make herself out as a Hero when she lied about her trip to Bosnia and Obama is a liar and raceist that you can see for yourself if you go too his churches website at
Obama is a fraud. He has no experience. He is racist. He has done anti-American things in his past. He has bad associations.
I don't like his principles and what he stands for. He blocked the voters in Florida and Michigan is my main beef with him, he's lied about his pastor, nafta. He xeroxs his speeches and all he does during a debate is agree with Hillary. No experience, voting record is not good being a senator, tony rezko, saying the "typical white remark" and it goes on and onHillary 08McCain 08
I don't fear any of the candidates, I question the words they write and speak- big difference when trying to apply principles of what it means to be an American and what they are endorsing. In a vast generational gap, I have seen pros and cons on all sides and lots of hyperbole, so this leads me to believe that the more we know about what is around us, the more we can come to our own conclusions and make up are own minds.
Hillary's supporters are much more likely to value experience than Obama's supporters. I am a Hillary supporter in my forties and I fall into that category. I'm still not sure what I'll do, but voting for Obama is unlikely, especially given his choice of mentors and church association. That said a lot to me and is even worse than being underqualified, which I also feel Obama to be.
Do a little research. Don't buy the line that it's all right wing propaganda -- look into Wright and his beliefs. Then consider that Obama spent TWENTY YEARS with this man. There's a reason he did. And that's why I'll vote McCain.
Obviously, you and I both know that is not about the policy, why then is it that 87% of African Americans are voting for Obama. Voters vote on emotions and that is just the sad thruth, I wished they would vote on policies but they dont. Sometimes when I see the mistreatment of Hillary by the media it makes me angry and I feel as if I will probably not vote in November, but that is just what I said during the heat of the moment. I will probably vote Obama in the fall if Hillary does not get it, just becuase I am a democract.I aslo feel that experience is very important.
We don't hate him, we just don't prefer him. He is inexperienced. Personally, I think he cannot win against McCain, despite the fact that McCain's age is way up there and health concerns may take center stage while in office. You are correct when you say they are close in what they want for the nation. But, his plans are not clearly defined, yet. Her's are loud and clear. That is primarily why many of us had hoped for a Clinton/Obama ticket earlier. Not now though, since Obama said that would never happen.
Too many unsavory individuals associated with this individual, demonstrating poor lack of judgment, to put him in charge of the most powerful military in the world.
Why is it that the only reason that I wouldn't vote for him is because he is Black.I am so sick of that mentality. There is a whole list of reasons not to vote for him is based on his own merits ... let us start with the basics.....He said in 2004 ... that he doesn't have enough experience to be on the National Ticket in 2008 and he firmly believes that people should be qualified for the jobs they apply for... so he will not run! I wanted to like him.....yet I can't look at him and actually trust him... he is a bamboozler. The list goes on and on....... If Hillary was the top of the ticket and Obama as the VP .. I would vote for McCain.And I am an avid Hillary supporter .... yet... I just do not trust Obama and do not in any way think he deserves to be in our Oval Office
I distrust Obama for several reasons and I think he is naive. Hillary's fight shows how strong a leader she would be. He is the type that would hand over power to the wrong type of people. I have always liked McCain. He is a socially liberal and fiscal conservative. There is not too many faults about him that bother me. The faults that Obama has seriously bother me. They are not the same on many of their issues. Look at their congressional voting records. Actually it is hard to compare because Obama hardly voted on anything. And how does supporting a woman automatically make us feminist? And not supporting Obama racist? That is just ignorant, and offensive to try and label people like that. Have you ever considered voting based on the candidates' merits? If that was the case, then this would be a great democracy. I feel that we have a long way to go before that happens.