


The following message was sent to you via the IhAv.NET Contact Us form by Xiong.


Dear Administrator,

My name is Xiong Luong and I am in the Marketing Department of - a global online retailer based in China.

I have taken some time to look through your site and believe it would be a suitable place to advertise our products. We stock electronics, gadgets and cell phones which we believe will be of interest to your readership.

Can you please inform me of the following as soon as possible...
• The ways in which we can advertise on your site?
• What the costs are associated with each option. (ie. If CPM comes into this, please provide details of average monthly ad impression)
• What we need to provide you should we go ahead with each option (ad specs. etc.)
• How long each promotion option lasts for.
• Where the promotion/ad will appear - home page, in a a particular section etc.)
• An example of what each promotion/ad will look like ie.a link to a past advertiser's ad on your site.
• Payment methods.
• If there are any privileges for advertisers? Eg. Do we have special privileges when participating in your forums?
Thanks very much.

Xiong Luong


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