is there a christian equivalent to the muslim O.I.C. or if not, why not? the...


New member
Jul 12, 2010
...oic has tried to get the U.N. to:? adopt a resolution on defamation of religion, which would criminalise criticism of islam. this prodded me find out more about the o.i.c. [: Organization of the Islamic Conferance]

i looked up the o.i.c on wikipedia, and casually clicked on one of the african countries listed as members of the ioc.
i was therefore surprised to find the religions of Togo listed as
animist 51%
christian 28%
muslim 21%

i had unthinkingly assumed that the 50+ countries of the ioc must be muslim majority countries, but obviously this must not be the case.
although i have no religion myself, this got me thinking that obviously if christians combined their power in political ways at for instance, the U.N., they would have quite a bit of clout.

i have never heard of a christian equivalent of the oic, so i wonder if anyone can tell me if such an organization exits?

lastly, if it only requires a significant percentage of muslims, rather than a majority of muslims in a country to be eligible to join, why is israel -with a significant arab/muslim minority-- not a member of the oic?

two final questions for geeks with U.N. expertise....what do the rules or the law say about the legitimacy of the voting power at the u.n , of representatives of minorities eg. the muslim togo'ans mentioned above?

also, has israel [or a muslim representative of it] ever actually applied to join the o.i.c?