Which type of manga do u prefer - shonen manga or shojo manga?



shonen means guy's manga and shojo means girl's manga
I love Shonen because of it's fast-paced, sexy and furious way of presenting the story. It's refreshing, it's satisfies that raw, primal part of you. Plus, the art styles differ greatly from Shojo, which is a significant and good thing if you're an artist at heart (like me!) who enjoys studying up and adopting different styles of drawing.
However, as mentioned earlier by another gal, Shojo appeals to the girly side of me. It fulfills the girlish fantasies I'd never dream of truly living out or believing in, all in wonderful, dreamy and sometimes oh-so-drama-mama. It also has a common theme of giving girls self-esteem in whatever they do, be it snatch the guy you love back from that two-timing skank who's leading him by the nose, or stand up to the very nasty, b*tchy girls groupies who're tormenting you because you're different.
Whatever the case, Shojo has wonderful styles of art, presented in many times, dreamy, soft colours and wonderfully fluffy and many times, very sexually appealing (half-naked guys or the first kissu! XD) format which of course, tugs at my girly side!
So yes, both sides compliment each other. I'd not settle for anything less!
The one with Shaman King in it! which is Shonen Jump! Dont confuse me with a boy though!! I am a GIRL!
I love reading both, but I'm more partial to shoujo. I've got a girly side that needs satisfying.
It depends on what mood I'm in. There are elements of both shonen and shojo manga that I like. I have favorite titles in each group, like Fruits Basket (shojo) or Hikaru no Go (shonen).