Cannot login



The following message was sent to you via the IhAv.NET Contact Us form by Harold.


So clearly I have an account here under the email address "[email protected]" but the site, for whatever reason, refuses to acknowledge this. I have tried several possible passwords, but decided to click the "forgot password" button so I could reset it to something I could actually remember. So I entered my email and the stupid image verification thing but got this message: "You have not entered an email address that we recognize. Please try again or contact the administrator." Really? How about some cold hard proof? There are two posts at this search ";GL:1;DIV:%2333FFFF;VLC:D03500;AH:center;BGC:99CCFF;LBGC:CCE5F9;ALC:440066;LC:440066;T:336699;GFNT:223472;GIMP:223472;LH:50;LW:265;L:;S:http://;FORID:1&hl=en" both under my email address "[email protected]" so how the F can you not recognize it?

Please fix this so I can login.


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