In terms of safety/insurance, is the Kawaski Ninja 250r not a sports bike?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I have heard it is a beginners bike and not really even a sports bike but for commuting, how much truth is there to this? i have never riden a real motorcycle (scooters yes) and I'm 17 keep that in mind. I'm interested in this bike because I like that style but would never want to go fast/on the highway or even above 50.
The Ninja 250 is considered a 'standard' when applied to insurance.
The bike is able to reach app. 100MPH, but that is not advisable.

If you have completed a MSF course let your insurance company in on that fact as it will reduce your rate quite nicely.
Most insurance companies don't consider a 250r a sports bike. It is usually classified as a beginners bike. It will do 50 no problem. It is a very good first bike. If you buy one used you can keep it for a year and then sell it and get most if not all of your money back.
I have always liked the 250 Ninja. Every time it's tested, they talk about how much more fun it is to ride a slow bike fast than to ride a really fast bike at only a fraction of what it's capable of. I agree. I just sold my GSXR1000 and bought a supermoto. It's every bit as fun, way less to insure, and it's more comfortable besides.

I think the last review I read had the new 250R with a top speed of 114. That's not something you would do all the time on it, but it means that it can cruise alone with highway traffic without having to keep to the slow lane all the time.

It's a real sport bike. It's just a very small sport bike.

I think it's a great choice for you.