Is astrology a sure way to make predictions?


May 20, 2008
Is learning about the planets and their virtues a good way to make predictions and learn alot more about people and nature?
How, exactly, is it that the locations of planetary bodies millions - or even billions - of miles away from Earth can affect people's personalities and the events in their lives?

How is it that a friend of mine, born only a few hours after I was, on the same exact day, and within a hundred miles of me, has a radically different personality, and whose life has followed a significantly different path from mine, even though all the planets were in virtually identical positions relative to the Earth when we were born?

I would be really keen to know how these things can be explained, if there is even the tiniest shred of truth whatsoever to astrology.
Astrology has its truths grounded in the movements of the constelations which is a subject that only my church can teach.thear are no astrology books that can realy teach correctley because nobody knows except us what truly happend in these movements.mabey someday.
Hears a blessing and a our father prayed just for you.practice the holy rosary,practice makes perfect.we love you all,the holy family.
Astrology is based on a planetary system that we now know to be false. So how can accurate predictions come from it?

People who claim to read star signs, or tea leaves or meridian lines or minds are not plying a skill.
They are either lying or mentally ill.
It's sheer nonsense.

If you're susceptible to belief in, well, nonsense like astrology, there is something wrong with your thought process. Either you give credence to claims without any evidence, or you have flawed standards of evidence. In either case, you owe it to yourself to read Carl Sagan's "the demon-haunted world" to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.
Yes, I learned it from this documentary movie.