When did the gay rights movement take on a black/white view towards who is gay...


Active member
May 12, 2008
...and who isn't? Kinsey refused to define homosexual as an intrinsic quality of one's self, but instead measured homosexual behaviors. The gay rights movement seems to have departed from science in favor of a view that homosexuality is an identity, and yet refuse to acknowledge that "gay" people have heterosexual pasts and heterosexual people have "gay" fantasies. From claiming the existence of a mythical gay gene to accusing Republicans of being homosexual, I just don't understand the motives of gay rights activists.
When talking about sexuality, there is no black and white...there are many gray areas...but when talking about equal rights...there can not be gray areas...equal rights for everyone...just like it says in the Constitution...
You're being a little broad. Not everyone who participates in the gay rights movement has black and white views.

You said the "gay gene" is mythical. While there may not be a certain gene that makes one homosexual, you are born gay.

I agree with Kinsey's studies.

No one knows if a Republican is a homosexual besides the Republican himself.

And you don't understand our motives?

Our motives are simple, a need for change and equality.