why can't i just lose weight?? and do guys care if I am this heavy?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I am a 5'1 female and weigh 112. I eat 1400 calories a day, and work out by running, power walking, sit ups, push ups, stretching, and soccer for an hour and a half 4-5 days a week. Also, all I drink is water. I am still very fat and can not lose the weight!! Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or what I should do more of?Also, do guys really care if a girl is this fat?
there's nothing heavy about 112lbs. that's skinny. unless you mean kilos?guys like girls in all shapes and sizes.
im 5'1"and 125 pounds and im not fat so you sure as hell arent either.Honestly, you sound in shape and fine. Don't let guys be the judge of how you feel about yourself.
you have a slow metabolism. if you are motivated enough you WILL lose weight ok..you have to be MOTIVATED and give 100% EVERY TIME you work out. also eat 6 small meals a day,healthy food, lots of water, lots of sleep.
It doesn't sound that bad. Yes, guys do care.. but it doesn't sound like you're fat so don't worry.And, if you have a cute face, it wont' matter if you have a little bit of chubbiness.
well put it this if a guy only likes a girl cos she is thin and hot he is a d**k but no girls with some meat on them a good not skinny twigs that ur gonna snap in half when ya have sex so no ur ok chick
Your not fat, 112 is not that bad!!maybe it foods with less calories?but i know wayy many guys who really just dont even care.most guys want a girl who is happy with themselves. =]
your weight is fine y are u questioning weight?you aren't fat.if you want to tone... up cut your processed food and use weights to build muscle, cardio burns fat and increases cardiovascular health
who told you, you were fat? 112 pounds? You sound healthy and the exercises is a great way to maintain. I dont think you are doing anything wrong. Some guys do care about girls weight but they are the shallow ones who are just jerks. Dont pay any attention to them. But you said you are athletic so try and hang around that type of guy, they would appreciate it more.
thats not that fat, my gf is 2 inches taller and only a few lbs lighter than you and she is super skinny, if she gained 10 lbs I wouldn't care at all. If you are so concerned about your weight, it would be worth your while to track your body fat in a more educated manner. Obviously you pay alot of attention to your health, so instead of just weighing yourself, why don't you invest $7 and buy a pair of body fat % calipers. This and your body mass index (bmi) are much more accurate representations of how much you should weigh, and how fat you truely are. Since our body chemistry is all different, we can't all just compare the number on the scale and say if its good or not. If you excersize a lot, you might have more muscle mass than the average person, muscle weighs more than fat does, in your case, checking your body fat % would be twice as valuable.
you prob hear people tell you that you are NOT fat... you prob like to hear it..... YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why you think you're fat at 112. You better stop worrying about it. YOU ARE NOT FAT. I think girls who are skinny look sickly. You need to have a little fat to be healthy. Quit trying to be skinny and enjoy yourself. hy. At least you're exercising.And I doubt if 1400 cal. per day is sufficient to stay healthy.
112lbs??? and you think you are fat...your just one of those girls that says that to get attention...cute
I think guys like to be around healthy active girls. I don't think they feel comfortable around a girl who won't eat when they do. You are not fat. You do exercise. You drink water. So, you are doing alot of right things. I wise person once said; "It's not about you, it's about how they feel when they are around you." I believe that is so true. That why you see people cheat with people who are not as attractive as their spouses or mate. I've had alot of really good guy friends all of my life and some of their biggest complaints about the girl they were dating were, "She is so obsessed with her looks! She is always thinking of how she looks, or she is always looking in the mirror, instead of being with me, she is checking her hair, makeup,ect." I feel uncomfortable eating in front of her, she won't eat. Or the worst if she won't go into a place because her hair or makeup got messed up, or something got on her clothes. Guys do care about looks, but they like to be around someone who is fun and carefree and up for whatever. So chill out, be healthy and happy and thats what guys will like, someone who is happy with themselves.
'i don't think your fat at all i m 5'4 and m 123 and i think i look great ,you work your ass off -you exercise and watch what you eat, i don't.actually your doing every thing right except maybe are oppossed with how you look.all you have to do is learn to love yourself and if a guy really likes you for you he will not care if your skinny or fat, trust me on this one. so just be happy and live life king size.