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  1. #1
    Banned shanka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Steganos Internet Anonym VPN 1.1.3

    Steganos Internet Anonym VPN 1.1.3

    Why do you need Steganos Internet Anonym VPN?

    Each visit to the Internet discloses your identity to Web providers ? often, without you noticing or wanting this. And also your Internet provider can exactly see which Web sites you visit and what kind of data you upload or download. When you use a WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) or a hot spot to access the Internet wirelessly, for example at a train station, an airport, or in an Internet caf?, it won?t be a problem for anyone to spy on you.

    It just takes the corresponding software to turn you into a transparent user. All your movements on the Web can then be exactly traced ? whether you send private e-mails, carry out online purchases, or enter your personal access data. Even when you dial in to online applications, you are unprotected: Someone could ?stow away? and use your access data unnoticed in order to manipulate and even delete important data!
    Why surf anonymously? I don?t have anything to hide.

    As soon as you go online, you receive a clear Internet protocol address - an IP. The IP acts like a transmitter on the Internet to fix your location and can therefore be traced back to the very door of your house. Every provider of Web pages can recognize precisely what you have done on their Web site: Which products have you viewed but not bought? Which images have you looked at? And even your provider can view a large amount of data such as the movies and songs you have uploaded and downloaded on your legal file sharing platform.

    It?s not about whether you have something to hide or not. You have a right to privacy and do not have to justify this. Allow yourself the freedom of surfing the Web anonymously as well as of uploading and downloading data.



  2. #2
    Thanks for giving information about VPN
    From the past three months,I searched through Google for getting a good VPN service.Personally i use VPN service for avoid ip ban while playing online game.
    Through your post i found a VPN,I downloaded this VPN through Google and got fake ip.
    I checked my fake ip range using

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