Should we Judge a Religion by Scripture or Actions of some People who Call them...


New member
Sep 22, 2010
...Self's followers ? for god sake stop smearing Islam using the act of people. the way to judge a religion is by its scripture not by its people. you say that you judge an apple by its tree right.
so what about the priests that molests kids all the time. are they the apple of the bible?
what about jimmy swaggert having sexual relations with a prostitute. is he the apple of the bible?
what about the war of Americans against Iraq, afghan and WWII's japan booming. is he who made the decision is the apple of the bible?
why do Americans call Muslims bombers when there country's leader Truman boomed japan and killed millions and still effecting more to this date. is he the apple of the bible?
why do you call Muslims barbaric and not the crusaders for killing Muslims, Jews and Christians tell the blood reached the ankles in the streets. are they the apples of the bible?
why would i judge by both if the people misunderstood the massage and followed there own blinded self believe/self Interpretation ? i mean if a christian kills an abortion doctor that is his own fault its not the fault of the religion or the bible, did the bible tell him to kill the doctor?
To Harry:
who always speak about Islam......American Retard Media. and really people should open there eyes once in a while at least. i mean the media controls everything now days just look at Americans they say its the land of the free but come-on open the window and smell the stinking irony; Americans think there free to choose but there options are from the media mind imprisoning them to their limited options. just ask the average American today what do you dream of "Money and Fame" just like some other Retard he watch on TV or Listen to on the radio...etc
You judge by both. If someone says they are a Christian, then kills an abortion doctor, you can judge the religion on the person. You can judge Muslims by their actions. Always judge on actions, as they are what matters. At least, they matter more then words.
You should neither judge the religion merely by scriptures nor by its other followers. Instead, take trouble to study by heart as many scriptures available & as you can. Once you think you have grasped the essentials of that religion then with reference to that observe quietly the behavior & the teachings of other followers. This would give you the base to analyse in your mind the pluses & minuses of that religion & then decide your opinion. This may sound a long way procedure, but it is worth. Remember, individual actions & leaders' interpretations need not conform to actual teachings of a given religion.
You're absolutely correct, every religion has its bad apples so if we were to judge by them, there wouldn't remain one religion that is un-barbaric. If we were to throw out what God has graced us with (logic) a vastly important tool we use daily, then religious debates would be deemed completely and utterly useless, judge by the texts people, always go back to the source material.
The quran has hateful scriptures towards non believers, Christians, and jews.

So judge a religion by the scriptures. Judge a person by their actions.
Can judge a religion by how it changes the life of a person to achieve the highest position here and after
Religion is completely different than a personal relationship with God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Religion is about what man has to do to please God. Relationship is about what God the Father does for us.

Actually, I judge *all* religions by the things their idiot followers do.

If religions don't want to be brought in to disrepute by their devotees they should make it abundantly clear, for all the world to know and hear, that the tossers who misbehave are nothing to do with them.

But they don't, do they?

Let Islam now say absolutely, categorically, without hesitation or condition that the w@nkers who flew those planes in to the twin towers and who bombed London on 7/7 were a bunch of sick freaks who are now rolling around up close and personal with pigs in hell for their crimes against humanity, and I'll give what you say some credence.

Until then, run along and hump sombody else's leg, why don't you?