This is a really hard riddle than I have in AP Language Arts, and I'd like it if you could give me the answer and explain how you got it. This isn't homework or anything, but its been bugging me!

"The Murder":
Suppose you work for the city of Los Angeles as a crime scene investigator. Your name is Kyle (or Kyla) Sanchez. Angie Death was murdered at 11:00 PM on October 31st, 2003. You have arrested 5 suspects: Colonel Ketchup, Mrs. Ostritch, Kelly Greene, Professor Peach and Molly Mustard.
Each suspect was questioned using a lie detector test, and each suspect made four statements- three of which were true, and one being a lie. One of them definitely murdered Angie Death. Who is guilty? Use logical sequential reasoning.

1. I was in Richmond, VA when Angie Death was murdered.
2. I have never killed anyone.
3. The professor and I were great pals.
4. Molly is the guilty one.
1. I did not kill Angie Death
2. I never owned a revolver in my life.
3. Molly knows me.
4. I was in Phoenix, AZ the night of October 31st.
1. Mrs. Ostritch lied when she said she never owned a revolver.
2. The murder was committed on Halloween, 2003
3. The Colonel was in Richmond, CA at the time the murder was committed.
4. One of the five of us is definitely guilty.
1. I didn't kill Angie, y'all!
2. Molly has been in Hollywood, for like, a long time.

3. I have, like, never even met the dang Colonel before.
4. Mrs. Ostritch, the sweet ol' thang, was in Phoenix with me on the 31st of October
1. I wouldn't and didn't kill Angie.
2. I have never been to Hollywood; I can't afford it.
3. I have never seen Mrs. Ostritch before now.
4. The Colonel lied when he said I'm guilty.

PLEASE HELP, I'd appreciate an answer by today....though it doesn't REALLY matter...