Judging from body language, how can I tell if a guy is interested in me?


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Guys usually never talk to me, and I have no guy friends, so most of my encounters with men are with strangers (you know at the grocery store or something) , or at school. In other words, I don't have a lot to go by., it's usually just glances, sometimes, they're shared glances.

For example, each week I go to a grocery store at the same time due to my schedule. There is a guy who works during this time schedule who I have spoken to because I knew him from an activity class. I think he feels more comfortable talking to his own gender because he told me he sees a guy who was also in our class and says "hi" to him when he sees him. Whenever he sees me, he looks at me, but doesn't say hi, even after we talked. Maybe he finds me to be a brat because I don't smile at him, who knows.

But this is what I usually have in some situations to to judge from....
most likely you just so beautiful that guys get intimidated and if he tries to make himself seem cooler or make himself seem bigger or a certain way he glances at you but i have no idea i only know bout girls and you should try teasing to see if he looks
Just be more friendly and see how they react. If they seem happier and open, that's a good sign :)

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He doesn't know whether you'll think it's weird or not. He probably likes you but doesn't know if there is a shared connection. Try saying hi to him first and see what happens. As far as body language try bending down and seeing if he checks you out, if he does he finds you attractive, if he kind of is then he doesn't think you like him or he is just shy. Good luck:)

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