Who else is sick and tired of hearing about this?



The pastor disaster,.........and the obama drama?why doesn't he and his campaign quit crying "racist " over every little bitty thing and being the "victim" ? I am sick of this "divider" masquerading as a "uniter"!!! Are you???
Are you kidding. It's not Obama that keep whinning. It is the media. They will not let it go. They are like blood sucking leaches!
To answer yes or no would presume the premise of your question was correct. It was not, so neither.
Very and his followers like sheep. I feel like lifting the blinds off their eyes.
Yessssssss. Quit crying and tackle some real issues that matter to us!
Funny. It's not the Obama campaign playing it. Even here, it's Clinton's supporters who keep trying to bring it up (including yourself). If you are truly sick and tired of it, then stop dragging it up.Obama already said everything that needed to be said on the matter. Case closed. Move on.
Move to the head of the school!Yes he is a divider not a uniter.I think he should go for a ride with Ted Kennedy so ted can advise him!
why should he, he still has a better chance of winning the election than Hillary, beside he is not racist, his pastor is, not him.that being said Hillary sucks
hmm idki haven't been paying attention.politics suck!but if obama wins and im outta america and that doubles if clinton wins
dude you are so wrong its sad. Obama is keeping the "race"issue out of his campaign. Its the media throwing "race" into his face. go educate yourself boy!
If Barack becomes president will we be known as the Obamanation?
Isnt it hypotrical to even ask this question if you feel this way? Obama isnt running around saying, LOOK AT MY PASTOR'S SPEECH!It is the media/opponents/you
The media is the ones that will not let go- they are for rating and know as long as people respond to them, they have viewers. While we are here putting each other down because of the campaign, the media is laughing all the way to the bank.
By Jove, you've hit the nail square on the head. Hussein is a whiner and the Draft dodgers Wife is a liar, whats a leftist to do???????All this good fortune...there may be hope for us yetMcCain 2008'
No, why don't we pick it to the bone, leave no speck of flesh and blood untouched, and then we can sit there looking at the parched white bones and marvel at what civilized people we are. Let's go right on tearing each other apart and see just how far we can take it in saying hateful cruel things to each other. We're setting such a fine example to the youth who cannot vote yet because they are just so damned immature.
looking at the way people are answering on Yahoo answers you can see how bad racism and sexism is in the US. The media is shaping America's votes and those who look at what the so-called liberal media reports are not being told the truth
Yes I am sick of hearing about it and it upsets me, but the thing that makes me the maddest is the fact that this was not an issue until Obama made it one, he said he didnt, he made a speach about it, and doesnt see or understand that hes to blame for it all right now, he might not have spoke the words in the church, he might not have asked for people to support him but the truth is he attented the church for 20 years, if he didnt agree with it why did he go? And if he didnt accept the idea of the Black Panthers as someone who supported him then why did he have them on his websites? Only to remove and speak about these issues after the media brought it to light, he made this mess and now we're racist, give me a break this is a joke people, get over it already.
(babigirl...) Goodbye we will miss you, but where will you go? Racism is not what Obama is about, it is the MSM that is gunning for him because they want a Clinton Candidacy,,,She is very vulnerable and the Rupublican Dirty Tricks, Counter campaign has already spent loads of money preparing to defeat her...The same is not true of Obama, as he doesn't have much political baggage, no wife swapping, infidelity, corruption nor self interest legislation to his credit. He doesn't take corporate money...We own him...He owes us.