Hillary, Obama, McCain: Who would you vote for, now, and for what religious reasons?


Mar 5, 2008
For me, Obama. He shows good judgment. He seems to honestly care about the poor and healthcare. He will fight corporate interests. He will help bring racial reconciliation. He is a natural leader and more likely to unify than Hillary or McCain. Regardless of the excesses of his pastor, Obama seems to have an authentic faith. He has enough Muslim background to dialog with the Muslim work respectfully.
I will vote for whomever the Democrats front. I would be perfectly happy with either Barack or Hillary. Two thumbs down on McCain. That would be like Bush III. [shudder]
Politics and religious belief should be apart from each other.As for Obama, I believe he actually holds an anti-Israeli stance.Anyone Christian will know this is not good for us.
Obama first.Hillary second.I think McCain would at least not f things up if he were elected. The other previous Republican candidates would have seriously harmed this country.
I have to vote for McCain. Pro-life is my biggest issue, which means I can never vote for Obama or Clinton. Both have promised to increase funding for abortions.
You expressed exactly why none of those running should be elected.AS for religious reasons, any monster who supports partial birth abortion such as the two loonies on the left, they should be locked away not elected.But mccain is no better.
I'll take Obama, too. He seems unflapable. Passionate without being overly emotional. He not been in Washington long enough to be beholding to "the good old boys club."
I feel at this time that I will support Obama, but not for religious reasons. Personally, I would prefer to vote for a non-Christian, non-politician but, in the USA that would be most difficult.
Anybody but McBush. It's really about the war (which I cannot believe more churches didn't stand up against - where are the blessed peacemakers your Jesus spoke about? Did he say "if someone thinks but does not ask to take your coat punch him in the face and take all that is his and hang him"? I didn't think so).
War must end now. And we need leadership without corruption. Who do you think this describes of the three?
McCain, he is the most conservative in the race and has a proven record of trying to reach across the aisle to make change, unlike the two Democratic options who have done nothing to indicate that they are willing to do anything to effect actual change and unity. Religion does not factor into it because it does not matter.
For me, McCain--the one candidate which truly understands the dynamics of the middle east. Obama talks a good story--heard the sample lines or similiar in many elections before. As you get older, you realize that promises are just promises--easy to make. And if elected (don't think he has a prayer)--his excuse will be when none of these directives pass congress--his excuse will be that congress wouldn't work with him and pass them. It is obvious that congress will not fund such programs--the costs would be enormous--our taxes would have to nearly double to pay for them from the last thing I've seen. Obama knows this, knows he can promise all these things, try, and also knows he will fail--he's worked inside congress before and he knows these types of programs and spending bills have an icecubes chance in hell of winning. Basically he's running on hot air with no way to put into action the promises. Hillory--don't like her--not one of the more terribly honest politicians I've ever seen.
I would vote for Obama because I think America needs a new image. it has nothing to do with religion.although i secretly hope he is a closeted atheist (like politicians must be)
Religious reasons are the last ones I'd use to base a decision on a vote, unless it was to keep an extreme right wing rapture-believing wacko from getting in.
Bush set a terrible precedent for any other president!!! The problem is that fundamentalist Christians feet that the worse the world conditions get the sooner Jesus Christ comes back... so they are screwing us all including themselves because of their gullibility factor!
The problems we have are not from Corporations it is from to much Government. Most of us work for a Corporation, most new businesses are small corporations.Killing American business and with it American innovation will not bring prosperity to anyone, rich or poor.Obama has not done enough to show any judgment, and what he has shown has not been the best.I am a Catholic, and If a Priest said the things that his pastor did, I would not stay there.Socialism has not worked in western Europe, they are moving back to more market driven economies, why do we seem so destined to make the same mistakes that western Europe did? Why do we want our standard of living to drop?Why do we want to kill the very innovative minds that provide the stimulus for new technology, more and better jobs, and a better standard of living?Vote Democrat, it is easier than getting a job...........Peace!