What monthly internet usage allowance would I need for PS3 online gaming (approx 3 - 4 hours per day)?

Feb 12, 2008
What monthly internet usage allowance would I need for PS3 online gaming (approx 3 - 4 hours per day)?

Also does anyone know if i could use 3 mobile broadband to online game on PS3? Thanks
What monthly internet usage allowance would I need for PS3 online gaming (approx 3 - 4 hours per day)?

I don't know how much that will take, depends on the game really. However, I do know that three mobile broadband won't cut it, not only is there not enough quota (3-4 hours a day I would suggest 30GB or above), but the latency will be horrible i.e. very high.For gaming, you should aim for a lower latency, to reduce lag.Cable or DSL will do that quite well depending on the ISP, their international/national links, capacity as well as some other stuff)