So my mom, my brother, and i, are all part of the same phone contract.."family share plan" i think it's called. my mom owns the contract and she did the whole "add a line" thing for Brian and I. And so if you have verizon, you know that with a 2-year contract, after your 2 years with that phone is up, you can get a new phone or cancel your contract. But, If 3 people are all on the same contract (family share plan), whenever someones 2 years is up, ANY of the 3 people on your contract can use that upgrade. So now to get to my question- maybe 6 months ago, my 2 years was up, but my brother went and upgraded his phone (using my upgrade) without telling me, so then i told him i was gonna take his upgrade that was due a month ago. BUT i don't want to upgrade my phone, i want to cancel my contract, but since my brother used the upgrade intended for my phone & phone number, can i not cancel out because he just reset that 2-year contract by upgrading his phone? or is there maybe a way that i could cancel a contract and i could still keep my number?

sorry this is so confusing, i dont know how else to word it. i think that if you also have Verizon Wireless and you and maybe some other family members are in one of those family share plans then you'll understand what i'm trying to say.