How can i convince my mom to get me another dog ?


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Ok, so i have a little dog and she is almost 4 but she was supposed to be my dog but she doesn't even listen to me unless i have a treat :(. she only listens to my mom well not really but she follows her everywhere and she doesn't even come to me when i say come. so my birthday is coming up and i really want a dog!!!!! but my mom wont get me one bc she already convinced my dad into getting me a dog at his house. but my little dog at my moms i think is lonely even my mom thinks so! but she wont get me one every time i ask. i want one for my little dog so she can play with bc she is fat and shes not very socialized like she hates other dogs except my friends little dog. i really want one for my birthday but i don't know how to convince her it wouldn't be a problem for anything really. like i come home at lunch to let them out and feed them. I just REALLY want MY OWN dog!!!!! please help me