Christian/agnostic relationship can it work?!?


May 23, 2008
I love my boyfriend more than anything. He respects my beliefs and I respect his, and we are pretty much on the same moral playing field. So... can it work in a marriage? When we have kids he will let me take them to church because he doesn't really care. :)
As a friend, you really need to pay attention to the word of God. It says do NOT be unequally yoked. A non believer will drag down a believer. There are many Godly men out there. Please think very carefully before taking a further step with someone who doesn't know Jesus.
One thing is for certain, there are consequences for disobeying God and what the Bible says we should do. Are you willing to accept the consequences?
Well since you are religious and have all the answers, why are you asking?
As long as you respect each other, but that applies to anything in a relationship, right?
Sure. That's the family religion I wish too. (I'm Agnostic- former Catholic.)
It depends on your definition of "work". We are warned against being unequally yoked (applies to marriage) with unbelievers. You are begging for trouble and will certainly get it.
Absolutely. The kids will grow up to choose what they believe in (growing up with parents of two different religious beliefs may actually end up being good for their broadening perspectives. A faith chosen is a faith that is followed stronger). You two shouldn't have a problem =)
Yes. Considering that your differing beliefs have not divided you already, it should not be a problem. Not to interfere in your family plans, but I think it would be more beneficial to your children to educate them about a multitude of religions and philosophies so that they may one day choose their own path in life, rather than being indoctrinated with a single philosophy that they may or may not accept.