Trademarks on Internet Domain Names?


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Very curious about something. I'm not an attorney, but I am wondering how anyone can sue over a domain name that was not registered to them? If you purchase a domain name, then it's yours right? That is why you are given the option to buy the different extensions.. com, .net because you don't want someone taking it right? How could eBay sue Perfumebay considering eBay did not own the domain? I know they are a monster company and probably paid people off, but really how can they do that? If that is the case, how come when you go to register the domain something does not "pop" up and say you are infringing? I would have never associated Perfumebay with eBay. What if I wanted to open a site called auctionbay or bluebay fatbay artbay chocolate bay or something similar, you mean they could sue everyone? If the word "ebay" is in the domain somewhere, it's still not "eBay" and Bay means a body of water which usually harbors cargo shipments of products so they own that word now?
They are suing over use of the name, not use of the site. THat name being EBAY not Bay. You can open any domain you want, but you should do a bit of research beforehand to make sure you are not infringing on some other companies' business.