Phone Question: At&t and Verizon Wireless?


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Okay, well my 2 year contract with verizon wireless ends on august 15th, and today is the 10th, obviously. (I'm eligible for an upgrade)
My phone is a samsung juke which seriously SUCKS. its not a texting phone. i want to get a phone with a keyboard for texting, and I heard that you have to pay 30 more dollars in your monthly phone bill because the good phones force you to get internet service (which is 30 dollars, as stated above)
Does AT&T force you to buy internet??
becuase if AT&T lets you choose internet, i am TOTALY switching to AT&&T.
i mean...should i stick with verizon..or go to at&t becuase i seriously don't want to pay extra money for internet on my phone when i have a COMPUTER for that.