were constantly arguing is this good or bad?


New member
Jul 29, 2010
me and my boyfriend have been together for like 2 months and a half and were constantly arguing about the littlest things. i need to know weather its all really worth it at the end of it. i really do like him and i Truly believe that he is the right person for me but i just can't understand why we constantly argue im sure its not good for a relationship because he always comes so close to dumping me and i just never know what to do. answers please?
You are setting an trend for the rest of your relationship. Deep down you know this is not right. Sit down with him and explain that the arguing is building a wedge between you, and you dont want this, and you dont want to argue constantly. Give yourselves 1 month to sort yourselves out. If you have a disagreement, dont argue, find a compromise. If after 1 month you have tried to compromise but you still end up arguing, i`m afraid no matter what you do, you will have a relationship thats going to be like this .... you are only 2nhalf mths together, you should be on your honeymood period not fighting like cats n dogs. No matter how much you love someone, you might have to let him go, this is not a healthy relationship.
Arguments are okay. I wouldn't say that having no arguments in a relationship is healthy. It all depends on what you argue about. If its little things that can be change or a compromise can be made then you'll both have to do it before it becomes a headache.