Does my child need an iPad for school?

My 4 year old will be starting kindergarten next year. Should I buy him and iPad so he can stay on top of his papers and assignments? Will the school's IT dept. make sure he can connect to the school's wifi hot-spot or will I have to set it up myself? I plan to keep in touch with him during the day via Twitter.
Ahh Kids these days huh, don't forget parental control, don't want a bondage craze going around kindergarten.
No. Get him started on open source stuff early. I really regret that I learned first on a closed source platform and have to play catch-up now.
no not really... but i am a senior in high school and i always had horrible grades till i started bring my laptop to school .. ipads kinda the same thing it would most likely help out alot .
hell no!?
i didnt even get a laptop until i was 15 and i honestly barely even need it for school then. your kids going into kindergarten! all he will be doing is colouring and learning the alphabet. im sure he will survive without it...
are you fucking kidding me? an ipad for a 4 year-old? what kind of papers and assignments does a 4 year-old have? no, don't get him an ipad. he's 4. who cares?