Is my guinea pig dying?


May 2, 2008
Hi! I have two guinea pigs. And as of the last few weeks, something bizarre has happened.

You see, the two guinea pigs are brothers. And I've had them together since they were just babies. They were both about 6 weeks or so when I got them (back in 2006).

Anyways, they've had illnesses throughout the years, and they've recovered. None were serious, just minor colds and the such.

So around June 23rd (of this year), he started crying out and trying to climb up the walls of his cage. I'd check him, hold him, and inspect for any problems, but none were found.
Around June 28th, things were getting strange, because his weight was rapidly dropping. I noticed I could feel his bones, and he looked nothing like his brother. (His brother has always been quite the porker!)

So around July 2nd, he got lethargic, wouldn't move, wouldn't eat, wouldn't do anything.
But around the Fourth of July, he was drinking, eating, running, playing, etc.

Then around the next few days, his hair started coming loose by his eyes, and he was getting lethargic again. He was eating little, wasn't drinking much, just sleeping a lot.

The past few days have been horrible! His eyes barely open, his ears are turning dark purple, his breathing is really bad, he won't even move much. He was playing last night, but now he's lethargic and not doing much.




- Bad breathing
- Purple ears
- Lethargy
- Closing eyes
- Hair shedding around eyes
- Not hungry, barely thirsty

And it has been coming and going in small waves, since two weeks ago.

His brother is perfectly healthy, showing no signs of sickness at all.

I need help, and there are no veterinarians around me that treat guinea pigs (I've been looking or years..).
Neither have ever shown effects as this before.

So I'm really confused as to how he got sick?