this is not really a question, more like a rant that i would like people to share their opinions as well.
im pro-choice.
first off, i believe that a baby is not a baby until its has all its developed organs. until then, it is a fetus.
some idiots here believe that its a baby as soon as its conceived. no, have you BEEN IN SCIENCE CLASS? ITS A CLUSTER OF CELLS.
i also feel that its wrong to bring a baby into this world when you dont want it.
if it was an accidental pregnancy, and you had the baby and gave it up for adoption, it would always wonder why its actual parents didnt want it.
are you SERIOUSLY telling me if you got raped and pregnant you would keep that baby as a constant reminder of the man who overpowered you, inserted his penis in your vagina unwillingly, and inseminated you?
what if it was a sick family member of yours? you carry the possibility of giving birth to a mentally or physically challenged child.
sure, you shouldnt be stupid and get pregnant in the first place. but if you took every precaution (aka birth control AND a condom) and you STILL got pregnant, an abortion is understandable.

it is first and foremost the woman's choice. it is her body, her 9 months of pregnancy, her LABOR, and BIRTH, and then her 18 years. the father almost always runs away from this situation in teen pregnancy cases.
if i got pregnant as a teenager, i would have an abortion. im nowhere near ready to have a child.
it really infuriates me when people try to convince other people to keep the baby and that its wrong. its not wrong just because you dont like it. everyone has their own choice, and just because you would choose to keep the baby, doesnt mean anyone who opts for abortion is a sick human being.
if you dont want the baby, why would you have it?