How do I keep torrent downloads running without keeping my laptop on?

You have to keep it switched on, i do it, my laptop stays on the whole night and 2 to 3 gb is done by the morning, just close the moniter down and leave it
You can't. Where will the laptop get it's power for the CPU, RAM, hard drive, etc. if it's off?

You have to leave it on if you want to finish it. In uTorrent, there's an option to shutdown the computer when downloading is complete.
The laptop must be turned ON in order to download torrents.


Because you need to supply power to the hard drive, as well as the network card (or Wi-Fi card) in your laptop.

However, you can turn off the LCD screen to reserve power.
You tell me a way to keep eating in your sleep and i'll tell you how to keep the torrents running when your laptop is off!