How did you learn to ride your bike?

From an old best friend I was probably 6 or 7, she just held on to the bike handles while I pedaled and she let go and then I realized I was riding a bike but didn't know how to stop it. Why was there a freaking tree on the sidewalk!
Quite young, can't remember exactly; me and my parents went up to a secluded field and I just rode up and down for hours, falling over into the nettles.
seven my brother put me on his and pushed me forward towards the hill let me go i flew down feet on pedals i got scared and kept pedaling then there we go i learned to bike
i was 7, and my 10 year old brother taught me :p He used to lean the bike against the wall and make me pedal, and then suddenly push it away and i had to keep going if i didnt want to fall.
Harsh, but it worked.
I was 7 when i learned, my mom taught me and i forgot where the brakes were and ran downhill into a curb then flipped over! haha:D love it! that was the first and only time i ever fell off :D
One of my friends had to teach me in his backyard. I think I was 6 or 7.
I was 6 and we took for the training wheels for once.

I fell a lot at first though.
