Is the gameplay for xbox 360, in Ufc undisputed 2010, the same in undisputed 2009?


New member
Jul 5, 2010
i played ufc 2010 at my friends house for the first time on his ps3. he knocked me out in a very fair amount of time, i could barely get a punch in and he won every time we fought. Then, about 2 days ago i played ufc undisputed 2009 on my friends 360, and i played against the computer, and won every time, and the gameplay was very fun and exciting because i could knock out, or submit my opponent, in a fair amount of time, and, when i played against my friend, i won every time. So im wondering if the gameplay in Ufc undisputed 2010, is the same for 360, as it is for undisputed 2009 when your playing, mostly, against the computer and, some-what, your friends? So that's my question. (i couldn't fit that whole thing as my main question, as you can tell)