Christian angels are usually depicted as androgynous/feminine males, or as beautiful women. They sometimes have halos, and usually are portrayed as having a pair of wings. At other times they are depicted as winged toddlers/babies (which are actually "putti", not cherubs).

That is also how people often describe them when they claim to have seen an angel.

However, these portrayal is not accurate, according to the Bible's own description of the angels.

Seraphim were described as having 6 wings (Isaiah 6:2).
In Revelations 4:6-8 they are described as being covered in eyes everywhere, having 6 wings, and as a mixture of animal and human parts (one like a lion, one like an ox, one a human male, one like an eagle).

Cherubim are described as having a form like a man, but having four faces (human male, lion, ox, eagle... like seraphim), only 4 wings rather than 6, and burnished bronze hooved feet like a calf (Ezekiel 1:5-11).

Given those scriptural descriptions, does anyone know of any accurate portrayals of Christian angels in art, aside from what can be found on Wikipedia?

BQ for Christian users: Do you think that artwork featuring angels should try for a more accurate depiction? Why or why not?