Are we living in an age where religion is soon diminishing?


Jun 10, 2008
Almost everyone thinks so, even Richard Dawkins, Chris Hitchens, Sam Harris etc.
(I know their not the whole world but the world does listen to their philosophy)
Almost everyone is becoming non-religious.
The good get better,
the bad...get better.

Dearest children, holy angels
Watch your actions night and day,
And they keep a faithful record
Of the good and bad you say.
Cherish virtue! Cherish virtue!
God will bless the pure in heart.
With the rise and quite frankly bewildering strengh of Islam, a religion that preaches that we should reject science and follow the literal word of Allah (whoever he is) which is gaining more converts apparently by the Year, I am inclined to think that we are entering a new dark age.

theres no use looking to dear old western USA they are as loopy about Christianity as the Muslims are about Islam but at least they don't reject progress and science
As disasters mount and people are helpless before rising corporate and governmental power more and more people will turn to religion, “Religion is the opium of the people; it is the hope of the hopeless, the heart of a heartless world” Karl Marx
In most cases, the countries that have tossed faith in God into the bin have become, by and large, socialist welfare states.

They've merely substituted faith in the god of the State for faith in a Creator. We'll see what happens when that model becomes unsustainable.

Also, are you arguing that this rush to drop faith * validates * the atheist mindset?

I am surprised the atheists out here haven't jumped all over this with "argumentum ad populum" . No. Wait. No I'm not.
Nothing lasts forever, tribal peganism becomes state peganism, state peganism becomes, nation peganism, nation peganism becomes abrehamic religion, abrehamic religion becomes athiesm. Religion changes as new facts of life disprove old ways of thinking.
Nothing lasts forever, tribal peganism becomes state peganism, state peganism becomes, nation peganism, nation peganism becomes abrehamic religion, abrehamic religion becomes athiesm. Religion changes as new facts of life disprove old ways of thinking.
It's strange. The Holy Spirit is withdrawing from the earth, but at the same time the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Latter Rain, is clearly falling abundantly on those who are willing to receive it. The gospel is going to all the worl, as predicted, spreading like wildfire. As the gray areas of apathy are disappearing, evil is getting worse and goodness more pure, and the choices are becoming more obvious when you see the two side by side. Don't hesitate to make whatever choice is best for you, because the world is so big that no matter what you decide, you won't be alone.
With the rise and quite frankly bewildering strengh of Islam, a religion that preaches that we should reject science and follow the literal word of Allah (whoever he is) which is gaining more converts apparently by the Year, I am inclined to think that we are entering a new dark age.

theres no use looking to dear old western USA they are as loopy about Christianity as the Muslims are about Islam but at least they don't reject progress and science
In my experience, what religion is left is more lip service than actual belief. Very few people, even those who profess religion, actually follow its tenets. I don't blame them (most religions have some pretty nasty tenets), but yes, we're seeing religion become less and less important to daily life.

There's also been a sharp increase in those who are unaffiliated with any organized religion but still deist in some way, as well as outright atheism. So yes, I think, finally, it may be coming to an end. But anything that big and that entrenched, and that has done so much to insulate itself from rational criticism and debate, will be a long time in dying off. It's not going to go away tomorrow, or probably within our lifetimes. But the way things are going, it will ultimately go away.

The reason is simple-we know more than we did. People used to make up gods to explain lightning, because they didn't know how it works and were scared to death to say "I don't know." So they made something up. Now we know it's static electricity and a sonic boom, so no one tries to explain lightning with gods anymore. We know the real answer.

But the main thing is to learn that "I don't know" really is the only correct answer if you really don't, and that there's no shame in not knowing something. That means there's exploring to be done, not that you should just make something up and believe it without testing it experimentally.
In most cases, the countries that have tossed faith in God into the bin have become, by and large, socialist welfare states.

They've merely substituted faith in the god of the State for faith in a Creator. We'll see what happens when that model becomes unsustainable.

Also, are you arguing that this rush to drop faith * validates * the atheist mindset?

I am surprised the atheists out here haven't jumped all over this with "argumentum ad populum" . No. Wait. No I'm not.
It's strange. The Holy Spirit is withdrawing from the earth, but at the same time the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Latter Rain, is clearly falling abundantly on those who are willing to receive it. The gospel is going to all the worl, as predicted, spreading like wildfire. As the gray areas of apathy are disappearing, evil is getting worse and goodness more pure, and the choices are becoming more obvious when you see the two side by side. Don't hesitate to make whatever choice is best for you, because the world is so big that no matter what you decide, you won't be alone.